Posted by: Success Coach Toni Miller | July 15, 2008

Reframe and remain focused

How do you move from a full time business building effort to include working an unrelated 30 hour a week job to help with the transition and maintain momentum?  I got behind the wheel of this project yesterday and I’m shifting gears.

Okay, it’s “buck up” time.  I actually sat down this past weekend stressed by the idea of starting this paycheck gig and did a pro and con list.  Guess what?…the pro column won so I must be doing the right thing.  That or it just looks good on paper.

Yesterday was my first day and it was actually good.  I anticipated it would be.  I am working for an eye doctor who is someone I have worked for before.  He hired me to be his “fashionista”  This one word description of the job along with knowing what a great man he is to work with was the selling point for me.  I love fashion and now I am going to learn how to fit people for eyeglasses that accentuate their features and personalities.  I can do this.  Putting all the technology to the side for a moment to avoid getting overwhelmed I have formulated my overall vision.  Let’s make this fun.  I had LASIK years ago and no longer need glasses.  I wore them for 30 years so I know what it is like to be married to spectacles.  My plan is to wear a pair of clear lens frames from my gallery while at work to match my outfit and glam up when I get the spirit.  One day I can be a “sophisticated lady”, another day a “sporty chick”.  Why not have some fun.  As I get to know my inventory I can guide people to take a stretch and view themselves outside the box and enhance their look.  As I connect with these patients I will also let them know what my full time job is.  They are all potential coaching clients so what a great way to network toward what I truly love to do. 

Coaching is not “work” for me.  It is an extension of who I am.  This new job can be be a part of that.  I will embrace learning how to fit people to project their personalities on the outside with their “new look”.  Then during my coaching hours I will continue to help my clients look within and see their empowering truth.

Life is a balancing act isn’t it!  Yes, I can do this.  Coach fashionista remains focused as I continue to build my Life Coach practice with heart.   In the meantime I can see clearly down this wider road and believe me, I’m not wearing cheap sunglasses.


  1. This is ABSOLUTELY AWESOME……..great work Toni. I love your perspective. Keep up the wonderful writing. I will surely check back often.

  2. fashonista BABEEEEEE, oh yea

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